Thread: Romance scripts
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Old 09-13-2001, 11:33 AM   #3

Join Date: August 21, 2001
Location: Tampa, Florida, USA
Posts: 229
does this work even if you've kicked an NPC out (thus negating a romance) or if you declined to pick up an NPC when she first wanted to join?

I have Viconia at the moment and the minx is pursuing a romance. I KNOW I'll have to drop her at some point to add a different NPC for their quests. Since I have a good protagonist she (rather than Jahiera) has to go. So if I added her at a later date would this work?

And since the vast majority of the board is very PRO Aerie.. is that an option as well? I finished the circus quest and did NOT add her at that point. I dont know if that prevents the romance with her from kicking back in.

Funny how the romance themes are almost (if not more so) as much a consideration on the makeup of the party as their classes and skills are!
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