Thread: /)reams . . .
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Old 10-21-2002, 08:41 PM   #9

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 38
Posts: 6,043
Sleep they didn't... for they feared any possible creatures of the night... It wasnt long before a rumbling sound began echoing over the hillside, but by this time they had already taken into hiding amongst the dunes for refuge and sleep, the first to awaken due to the loud grinding sound was Jack, he placed a hand on Mar which immediatley made her awaken with a scream, this signaled one of the machines to immediatley start barreling in their direction, lifting her up the two started running twoard the city walls, darkness cloaking them, they clearly could see the machines now, man-made they were, with Royal seals...

"What are those things?"

"They're machines... Machines don't you understand, the king wants us dead! And so he's using machines to stop us..."

"what do you mean stop?"

"like how he stopped the growing of my tree... when something that is moving stops..."

"How does something like that happen?"

"I'm not sure..."

"well the king never stopped he simply can't be..."

A spotlight suddenly fell on them...



The two headed off in seperate diretions, this lead to the vehicle pursuing one of them, it headed around a corner and crashed into a similar vehicle, the two started releasing large ammounds of steam and exloded with a defaning sound which shook the castle walls...

Inside, some cold faces, with unblinking eyes stared off into space, as they wobbled a bit from vibration, one of the people in a stadium steaign stood up, looked around, and sat back down... once againf alling over, one of them even had a cobweb forming on their cheeck running downt ot heir shoulder...

Continuing on... The Two bravest of the exiles broke from their group and began leading the last remaining attacking machine off in a similar direction, unfortunetly the one it followed couldnt keep his pace and was crushed. The few that could see this screamed and only drew the Dozer's attention toward them, it was then that Jack looked at the two remains of the dozers, he noticed a sharp object jetting out of it, through some bizzare instinkive response he grabbed at the bar, it sizzled and burned the flesh of his hand, but some primordial force drove him beyond the boundaries of his own knowledge, as he ripped it out of the vehicle and began running forward, the stick was cool now, his hand in great pain, he ignored it, shouting like no man had in years, and plunged it into one of the rotating gear boxes on the size of the machine, it tried to turn toward him, but then it started making metalich cruching noises, as it started leaking fluid, and finally bust into flame...

"What have you done?"

". . . I . . ." Jack looked at his hand and burried it int he soild "AACK... water..." "there is no water out here..." Jack dug his hand intot he soil begging for something to touch his hand, and then his arm litterally plunged all the way into the ground up to his shoulder...


He started laughhing...

All was quiet aside from the sound of Jack errupting with laughter over the horrizon for a long while, the wind was still, the earth plain, the sun out of site, a glowing contorted moon int he sky bearing an irredescant magenta light over everything...

Jack pulled out his arm after a while, it was soaked...

"The water is below the ground . . . "

Everyone fell very still for a while...

with the dozers defeated.. they got to planting...
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> o.o;
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