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Old 09-30-2001, 01:02 PM   #95

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Killing Spree:
~Picks up sword, picks up Chinese Noodle by the collar and puts the point of the sword to his throat~ "I happen to LIKE Jahiera you bastard!" ~

(big snip)

She picks another arrow from her quiver and points the bow straight at you, this time with an arrow of biting~ "I suggest you leave... Friend."

A dark shadow looms over the pair as the proprietress appears. As she seperates the two she turns to the enraged ranger and says, "Be calm, my dear, be calm. Remember, the customer is ALWAYS right". Then, out of Chinese Noodle's view, she winks and whispers, "At least we like them to think so!"

Turning back to Chinese Noodle, she says in her most soothing voice, "Why, yes sir, you are absolutely right, we ARE evil 'barstards', but I prefer to think of us as ... merchants. We just happened to lay in a fresh supply of Jaheira flank steak this morning, but I haven't had a chance to put it on the menu yet. I could have our head chef Tuor grill you one up for ... shall we say half off the regular price?"

Again turning to Killing Spree, Desuma says 'sotto voce', "Please go into the meat locker and cut him off a slab of Aerie flank - he'll never know the difference - and tell the cashier to charge him double."