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Old 10-18-2000, 12:21 AM   #3

Posts: n/a

I did a few things and poached for all my shells -- 1) turn on 'encounters' to OFTEN in the game option menu ... 2) Swim the lagoon in front of Brimloch Roon, the channel north of Brimloch Roon, and occassionally go into the main sea area of the 1st sea 3) Have your rogue 'pickpocket' the shells from crab'o'sea - the catch here is that only about 75% of the crabs you find have shells, but even if they have one they might NOT drop the shell when they die... so you gaurantee the shell from a crab who has one by entering real-time-mode and stealing a few times with your rogue until - viola!

No cheating necessary, but a little time required (really not that much).