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Old 10-20-2001, 04:45 PM   #1

Join Date: June 17, 2001
Location: england
Posts: 409
Help, one of my best mate's girlfriends has just made a blatant, pass at me and I don't know what to do.

She wasn't drunk, high, emotional or in a vulnerable state so it seemed quite a calculated thing. Her and I were watching a video while we were waiting for my friend to come round and hat's when it happened, I told her I wasn't interested but she kept saying he'll never know and trying it on.

I only got rescued when another friend of ours came round.

Anyway that was two weeks ago everytime I see her she's all flirty and I can't get the message across to her that I'm not interested, it's not that I don't find her atractive, I do but its my mates girlfriend they've been going out seven years and he wants to marry her (I think)

What do I do, Do I tell him? The problem is I don't want to break up our friendship because I've known him 20 years so I'd prefer a way of getting rid of her so he never finds out what happened.

Please somebody anybody help, I'm at my wits end-my other frineds have been absolutely no help at all.

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