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Old 10-22-2001, 01:11 PM   #8

Join Date: August 21, 2001
Location: Tampa, Florida, USA
Posts: 229
I recommend 2 characters who can cast mage spells and at least 1 fulltime cleric (Aerie ISN'T a fulltime cleric by the way). 2 strong fighters who can bear the brunt of attacks, and a thief (combined with mage or fighter)

Anomen (good) or Viconia (evil) are your best bets at cleric

Aerie is a good support character but I wouldnt want her as my primary cleric OR mage.

For thief.. people have different preferences here. I like Jan, as he can improve as both a thief and mage (well, illusionist to be exact). Yoshimo is a strong thief and his set snares ability is worthwhile, but Jan's spellcasting is more important IMHO. Neither Nalia nor Imoen can gain levels at thief, which makes finding/disarming traps rather tough.

If you play a mage PC, I'd recommend 2 of Minsc, Valygar, Keldorn, Mazzy or Korgan.

If you play a non-mage PC, you need at least 2 of Jan, Nalia, Imoen or Edwin)

I've never tried Bard or Thief PCs so really can't comment there. Hope this helps.
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