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Old 12-16-2005, 11:45 AM   #17

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Manchester, NH, USA
Posts: 1,025
Congrats, Gimli!!!

My experience is that the best way to start the I&M battle (assuming that you are fully buffed) is to actually stay away from the twins at the start and run to the RIGHT. Yes, the right ... towards the twins' allies.

Why do I say this? Because one of those baddies is the Summoner. If you can kill his butt quickly, you will save yourself a LOT of trouble.

I would always send 2 of my warriors (usually my 2nd best tank and my rogue) to engage this summoning mage in melee and take him down hard and fast. I'd hold my very best tank to deal with the Demon knight in the main hall.

Also, I'd have my cleric and sorc start summoning monsters to engage the twins to keep them busy, while I'm whupping their allies. Directly attacking the twins at the start is a TOTAL waste of time. Their buffs are better than yours and they're pretty much invulnerable for perhaps 10-20 or 30 rounds. Until their buffs wear out, use summons and (if you were smart) your monk allies to keep the twins occupied, while you wipe out the twins' allies.

I found this to be a very tough battle the first few times I fought it, but it was very fun because you can try out a lot of different strategies.
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