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Old 03-07-2002, 11:41 AM   #105
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 7, 2002
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 9
I noticed a tip on using a excel spreadsheet for determining if a spellcaster was able to cast a spell or not.

I found that when in a shop if you click on the spellcaster and then right click on the spellbook you are interested in, It will give a green message if you know it, it will give you a red message that you are not able to know if in the text about the spell. Of course if you need to pay attention to the books required realm, it will not give you a message telling you can use it, you need to make sure the spell is for your realm. (i.e. It won't give a message telling you you can't learn the spell if you a mage looking at a alchemy spell)

When in inventory, I believe the same messages will appear, but it at least higlights the item in read if you can never learn it.
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