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Old 04-08-2001, 12:46 PM   #15

Posts: n/a
heh heh heh want tot get MORE abnormal? LMAO! Don't do it the way I got to be...(my sister just reminded me on the 6th that it was my 30th "anniversary" for becoming brain damaged LOL~GEE THANKS SIS!) brother threw a rock off a 3 story cliff while I was at the bottom and yelled "heads!" I heard "hey!" and stepped back to look up and see what he wanted. Then I wondered why everything just moved...the rock had landed on my head, fracturing my skull (3 nice big splits in the X-ray I saw) and knocking me out cold (which is why everything had eyeballs rolling back in my head as I went down...I never knew I had been hit)...I went from "genius child" with a photographic memory to "normal" all in the matter of a few seconds. Of course being "normal" to me has been a bit on the strange side since I still "think" like the genius child with the photographic memory, I just can't remember things to keep myself on that level so I accept my normality as being somewhat on the abnormal side and I have learned to live with it and enjoy myself as I go along in life. (I probably would have been a criminal had I kept the same IQ LOL so it is just as well that I got knocked back a few).

Kids...don't try that at home! OR ANYWHERE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER!


So now you know how and why I can be such a ditz!

[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 04-08-2001).]
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