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Old 09-23-2001, 11:32 PM   #2
Djinn Raffo

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: Ant Hill
Age: 49
Posts: 2,397
Good idea John...

Well i will tell a story. This i just posted at "Once Upon: yesterday so i will cut and paste here as its an interesting tale of a strange occurence that happened to me once:

Well really this one time i was staying in a campground here in bc in 1996, where i was spending the night while treeplanting. And i arrived real late at night to this contract and was supposed to set up my tent et al.

Well I set up at around 2 in the morning after a nine hour bus ride...

Then woke up at 5:30 to go planting! Worked a super tough block, steep ground, rocky, unforgiving, terrible priced trees etc. No Lunch!

Worked that day...Now ill tell you a little about why i was working there. Well this crew had a bunch of people get sick, the flu, puking and nauseus. So i worked for a diff company and my boss (boss used loosely cause he was a boss/good boss...U know what i mean?). well my boss was buddy with this company i was working for here where everyone got sick. So in between contracts as a favor for a buddy etc. i went to plant with this other company...i was paid of course!

So back to the day. Brutal day of work in which by 6 after 12 hours of brutal effort and little gain i was feeling a little ill myself...Dinner that night was chicken soup after which i stumbled to the campground bathroom and you guessed it vomited. I had the dreaded flu.

I felt awful. I was sick. Went to bed, puked throughout the night and 5:30 rolled by (wake up call) and i hadnt slept all been up being ill.

No way i said to the not going in...There was no way i could work and so i was leaving. There was supposed to be only four more days work there so i decided to take that 9 hour bus ride home spent the week getting better and resting etc. then head out again too resume regular duty in a new contract with my regular boss.

The new boss is pissed, rightfully so, hes got to get the trees into the ground. But theres nothing he can do, he thinks im sandbaggin but fawq him im going sick@!

So i leave go home and resume my daily life.

For four years.

Then those four years later i was planting again and same situation arises. My boss wants to do that other boss favor...bail him out etc. So i and some others go to do the job.

Well it seems there was this guy with the new company that had been there those years earlier when i was there and he remembers me and i remember him.

He says: "Oh yeah!" He had this weird speaking issue...the ends of his sentences always seemed to sound like they trailed off...lower decibal ahh..h..h..h....h....h........h.........h....

"So yeahh.h.h...h....h..." he says "Do you remember the tent was under...r.r......r...........r....???"

I do. It was this big thick wood maple or something along those lines. Well he explains that the day i left on that 9 hour bus ride there was this huge storm. He rembered the day cause it was one of the worst days working ever for him.

Well he says that that tree cracked in the middle and blew down right where my tent had been that very morning.

Only because i was sick and had left i escaped the crushing doom of a tree falling in the woods and learned of the tale four years later.

How strange. And to pin the tail those guys that i had left...had been at the place where the tree went down had thought i was faking being sick and shit talked me too. The idiots. They took honor for granted.

What a weird thing...

Well thanks for reading, i just thought id share a strange occurence that once happended to me.
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