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Old 10-28-2000, 05:17 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

When i got to shurgeon castle i ran in to the following.

Next to the drawbridge there is a tower. With spirit eye enabled, the map showed thet there were an item of interest in that tower.
I tried to climb the stairs to the tower. I came a few steps and could'nt go any further. I didnt get stuck or anything. Just couldnt go any higher.
There is a roof above me, and it seems like my characters is "to tall"....
I tried climbing backwards, sideways, jumpig.. It was impossible to climb.

I gave up and continued with the game.
I fought my way into the castle and the armory, got the key and went into the room with lots of beds, and some "elite ghosts" i think they were named. You probably know which room by now..

I checked the first room for stuff, and in there another stair is located. In this stair i ran into the same problem as in the tower.. Just couldnt pass the stairs.. Same thing with a roof above me and all..

Is there anyone else who have experienced the same problem as i?
Did you solve it??
