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Old 05-13-2001, 09:08 PM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
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(not that you don't already!)

Thought you'd get a kick out of this...the Life Cycle of a USENET Gaming Forum thread. I couldn't stop laughing, having read through such posts on and other such newsgroups. Be glad we have such a great forum here!


Life cycle of a USENET gaming-forum thread

1. USENET user A posts an on-topic thread about a computer game from a few years ago, claiming how much he enjoyed it, and comparing it to a current game.

2. User B responds to the thread, begging to differ with User A on the grounds that the older game has little or nothing to do with anything in the new game, and brings up several key points to support his argument.

3. User A gives a rebuttal to User B’s thread, slightly testily, that if User B had bothered to read his post, he would understand what User A was talking about in the first place.

4. User B responds, saying that he did read through User A’s post to begin with, and that User A should go back and read his own words and see what a fool he just made of himself.

5. Before User A can respond, Users C and D post almost at the same time, coming to User A’s defense, and proclaiming User B to be a pedantic, self-serving, geek a**hole whose only real reason for posting was to promote his own blinkered, limited, and unoriginal viewpoint.

6. User E posts, declaiming everyone in the thread to be “puthetic lusers.”

7. User C posts, correcting User E’s grammar and spelling, while making several choice spelling errors of her own.

8. User E points out User C’s spelling errors and proclaims her to be a moronic tard.

9. User F jumps into the fray, claiming User E to be a “troll” and exhorting the others to ignore him.

10. User E posts back, “ha ha ha yu bunch of lusers” and proceeds to taunt the posters with a stream of invective that would make a sailor’s parrot blush.

11. User B finally responds, testily, and with extremely long words excoriates the posters, questioning their ages, genetics, and mental capacities.

12. User A attempts to return to the topic, restating his original point altogether, and claims that the others completely missed the point, that it’s only a game.

13. User B claims that the newer game is NOT just a game, it’s the greatest thing that’s been created since the dawn of computer history, that to compare it to such a old loser game such as User A did is the ultimate insult to the Exalted Masters who created such a masterpiece, and that the rest of the posters are obviously deluded, demented, or mentally incapacitated to think otherwise.

14. User’s C and D immediately flame User B.

15. User E again posts a bunch of inflammatory invective aimed at the participants, finishing up by claiming that anyone who plays computer games needs to grow up and get a -------- life.

16. Users A-D and F all jump on User E and tell him to go away.

17. User E posts, “hA hA hA yU cAn’T mAk3 mE iT’s A pUbLiC fOrUm Go G3T a LiF3 u MoRuNiK jIrK sKuMz”

18. User E immediately posts, using a software program, about 500 spam flood messages to the topic.

19. Users A-D and F abandon the thread in disgust while User E proceeds to trash it further.

20. After about two weeks of silence (and the thread mercifully getting buried), User G posts to the thread, asking if User B’s head is on straight, what do you MEAN that the newer game is better than the older game, and is User E a ------- geek ‘tard who plays with teletubbies and whose mommy still gives him baths...

...and the beat goes on.
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