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Old 06-29-2001, 11:01 AM   #30
Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil

Posts: n/a
Bokk, as he turned himself into a "blur" of death, he spins on the thief mage trying to back stab him. Bokk hammered the t/m with his rock fists, crushin the serpah's (sp?) bones. Fraal, seeing that the other serapahs where charging at him, turned himself into a high level wizard, and casting power word: Stun on them. Then, Fraal cast Spell Trap, and Summon Planatar to finish the serapahs off. The T/M, was trying to backstab Fraal, but he turned around, and did a power word: Kill on the poor sap. Fraal is VERY cunning when it comes to changing shapes. He knows the powers of the thing he transforms into, and using a spiders web, followed up with a vampire's level drain, =TACTICS!

Will the real cheesy lich stop using timestop, stop using time stop, YEAH BABY! :1diablo: