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Old 06-14-2001, 01:33 PM   #26

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Ziroc:
Anyone have a certain dream they get when they are sick?

For me, I have a weird dream where I am walking in place, on this weird road--the road is a convayor belt, and keeps me walking in place. the material the road is made of, there isn't a word for it, and in the distance, there is a sunset with a coal plant.. I (ALWAYS) have this dream when I am sick.

Also, while awake, and laying on bed, ever feel like the bed is 100feet off the ground? and that makes you feel even MORE ill? had that a few times while sick.

AND THIS: MY FIRST DREAM. I remember I was in my crib/bed in my room, and I think I had an ear infection.. well, I was maybe 2 or something.. crib aged.. , anyway, every time I laid on that ear when asleep, I'll hear this sound IN my hear like "Shhhraaawwwww" over and over.. then looking into my ear as if it was a cave, was this while head with a "V" shaped head.. top was jagged.. and eyes. HE was making the noise! That was the first dream!!

Looking back, that noise was either my breathing, or my ears "heartbeat"--bloodflow.. kinda like when you slam your thumb, and feel a heartbeat in it..

That first dream you had is really kind of cool!

I don't ever have recurring dreams of the same surroundings, etc. At least not that I remember anyway.

The only one I do remember is the recurring nightmare I had for the first seven years of my life...I had it seems like every night and the worst part about it was that it kept up with the present as years went by. I am glad that it stopped! I'd wake up crying every time and it went back so far that I could remember waking up in a crib when I dreamt it.

With chills going up my spine lol, I sign off here to get to work out in the yard today.

