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Old 05-08-2002, 03:22 AM   #8
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: September 5, 2001
Location: House of Freelight
Age: 47
Posts: 3,159
He dodged as the treacherous arrow flew towards him, grimacing as it grazed his left arm. Yet he held on to his blade as much as clung on to his life, swinging it across the upper torso of his attacker. Oblivious to the shrieks of agony, trumpeting and chanting around him, he watched with satisfaction as the body crumpled onto the ground, motionless ~ One less enemy to go. ~ That was all he dared to think ~ I will survive, if only to boost my men's morale. ~ Charging forward, he bore his sword down upon the unsuspecting victim ~ I must not fail them. ~ "Aragorn! Behind you!" ~ Yet as he turned around, the stalker had collapsed in a scream of outrage. He met Ursula's gaze comprehendingly and cast her a weary smile ~ "My thanks, Ursula." ~ Adding silently ~ I owe you, yet again.. ~ She blinked once ~ "You're welcome." ~ Then abruptly headed off, the mixture of emotions playing havoc on her proud and handsome face.

On his left, Aragorn could hear the curses of a wounded foe, presumably suffering from Fantine's incantations. Hurriedly, he pulled a dagger out and flung it at the crouched figure, for good measure. It struck home; it was one less enemy, again. ~ When will this end? ~ He raised his eyes to the heavens, tempted to rail his frustrations ~ Will it ever end, in the first place? ~ Billows of smoke and fumes swirled above, worsening the chaotic scene before him ~ Cyrus would surely see this, if he were alive. ~ There was no doubt in his mind that help would arrive… it was only a matter of time. Yet… ~ can we last much longer? ~ And then he realised his mistake. He grunted as he felt the stinging blow upon his back, just as he finally lowered his line of vision. Helplessly stumbling forward, he began to roll himself randomly about, trying to elude the flail that so persistently pursued him.

But there was little room to manoeuvre. Daggers, arrows and darts seemed to be dancing around him even as he avoided the villainous thrusts and lunges of blades. It was useless; his body was a map of bloody terrain and he would soon die ~ Cyrus, my friend… I've failed you. ~ Despair drove him almost wild in this state, and he screamed inwardly ~ I must not fail! ~ As his assailant stood gloating with upraised spear pointed towards his heart, he found his body frighteningly immobile ~ To die honourably is no shame, Aragorn. ~ He closed his eyes, waiting for the end…

It did not come, somehow. Instead, a wail of torment deafened his ears; he smelt burning flesh. Curiousity overcame exhaustion and Aragorn reopened his eyes to see a grotesque sight - one he would remember for many years thereafter. The blazing figure howled in anguish before finally crashing onto the ground.

Struggling to sit up, he felt warm hands hold his arms firmly ~ "There, there… you've had enough fun for the day. Admit it." ~ He started at the cheeky tone ~ "Who are you?" ~ Cursing his current condition that he could not turn around as easily as he would like ~ "Your saviour, and that is all you need to know for now." ~ He felt himself being dragged backwards away from the battefield. Babbling desperately ~ "Let me go! Code... of honour... I… I need to be here… with… men..."

"Code of honour?...What's that to do with your current state?...Don't be daft!" ~ She puffed and panted, almost giving in to her relative weakness ~ "Oh, forget it. Seeing as you're obstinate as a mule… here! Take this." ~ A dainty hand reached from behind to prise open his mouth, while another poured an icy liquid down his throat. He debated only for a second. There was no harm in swallowing it; if she had intended harm on him, she would not have rescued him… within moments, he was completely rejuvenated. Jumping to his feet, he spun around to gaze upon his samaritan. His mouth opened, but no words could rise beyond his throat.

Standing at five feet and seven inches tall, with long, raven black hair , a curiously stubborn lock similar to Ursula's. Twinkling dark brown eyes with light dancing feverishly in them. Most of all, that playful grin… it was almost impossible that his life should have been saved by a human-sized imp. ~ "…" ~ Still no words. He berated himself silently as she watched him with amusement.

"Well, well. Now that you're up and about again, I'll leave you to defend your honour. I must say, this Agannazar's Scorcher has certainly come in handy." ~ Giggling, she turned and began sprinting away, her merry laughter echoing in his ears…

[ 05-08-2002, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: mistral4543 ]
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