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Old 10-07-2000, 11:19 PM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: October 16, 2001
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Posts: 39

Like most of you that damn toad got in the way and I just couldn't get by him. So after a couple of hours I figured that there must be another way around it. Once you climb the ladder take a few steps forward so you are between the tree and the railing. Turn around and get the proper angle so you can see the dock on the other side of the water. Click your page up a few times, run like a madman and hit your jump button repeatedly (make sure you keep the shift button pressed). After a few tries you will make it to the other side where you don't have to worry about that toad. If you still can't make it try with another character. My Whiska couldn't make it but I never had a problem with my Dwarf.

*Other tips*

If you can't get through a crawl space with your character or can't make a jump try different characters. I have had a few problems where the passage was too narrow (dwarf mines), the ceiling was too low (Shurik... castle), and all it took was changing characters solved the problem for me. Keep it in mind.

I can't stress enough how important Intelligence is. If I start this game over again all my characters are going to be maxed. It will make a huge difference.

The Stout Mines suck large. This has got to be the most boring and annoying dungeon I have ever seen! Someone mentioned that they stole the key of the king, so if its at all possible I highly recommend it. Get that pick-pocketing skill up there... I eventually said f**k it and killed everyone. Unfortunately there is some kind of message about something evil being happy or pleased, but it scrolls by too fast because of all the other Stouts attacking you. It leads me to beleive that you can't finish the game if you do that...but who knows. If you are going to kill him make sure to take him out first. If you don't Stouts just keep appearing out of nowhere, forever, and you don't get experience.
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