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Old 04-17-2002, 12:58 PM   #62
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Washington State
Posts: 315

Hmm, I didn't know this thread was here (and I think I'm halfway responsible for it, hee hee), so I'd better post. We are still talking about height and not panties, right? [img]smile.gif[/img]

I am 5' 9"...but I do weight 185 pounds...yea a few pounds could be lost but most of it is not fat! [img]smile.gif[/img]

I like women to be my own height, just one of those things. However, I have dated women shorter than me and I'd never judge someone based on height. Very short petite gals can be really cute, however I will be honest I have a "thing" for REALLY tall amazon women. There used to be a student here that was about 6' tall and very lovely...*drool*...any excuse to fix her computer...let's see, can I break it so I can come and fix it later? I'm bad, I know.

I met a very tall girl at work here the other day, she was sitting down and I thought "man, she's almost as tall me in her chair!". I asked her height, turns out she is 6' 2", but in shoes she has her head is in the clouds, literally!

Don't know why, but hmmm....*SEXY!!*...I'd love to go out with her, plus she was nice, intelligent, my age and had really good chi. Uh, said another way, that means "good vibes". [img]smile.gif[/img]

I think I heard it best on an episode of Mr. Belvedere where his very short dwarf cousin was describing why he liked tall women:

"I like to go climbling for coconuts!" I'll get it for sure!

I'm just being no fireballs!

*ducks and pulls out fireproof shield*

*grabs Cobaltine Powerglove*

Look out Dark Savant! I have THE GLOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care!


[ 04-17-2002, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: Scronan ]
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