Thread: RED!
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Old 11-15-2006, 09:56 AM   #2
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 6, 2001
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I was just having a discussion last night with a few friends about this, and one of them was saying all these celebrities who support certain causes could fix many things just by donating heaps more than they do. The whole Madonna/adoption thing came up etc...

But it all suddenly made sense to me. Live8 for example was put forward not as a fundraiser, but an awareness. And here's what I think the point is. There's probably around 1 billion people (my guesstimate) who could afford around US$1 a day, every day for the rest of their lives, to aid the other 5 billion +. Celebrities can only contribute so much (and yes, they could contribute much more) before it runs out. But imagine if 1 billion people put in just $1 a day, everyday, forever.... US$1 Billion a day, everyday to enhance and increase health, safety, lifestyle etc... for the other 5 Billion. We're nowhere near this figure! Why? What is wrong with us?

It starts with me. It starts with you. Cliche? Not when people are dying and suffering needlessly. I am convicted and I'm going to start doing more, and more. I believe I can make a difference...
Better run through the jungle! Grrr...
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