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Old 09-17-2001, 12:09 AM   #10
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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Originally posted by Fljotsdale:
250, she doesn't love herself. You have to find out why, if you can. She will neve be happy if she doesn't think she is a worthwhile person, and if she doesn't love herself.
It is no good you TELLING her she is loveable and worthwhile. She has to discover WHY she feels bad about herself, THEN she, with help, can start to see that whoever MADE her feel bad about herself was not speaking or acting truthfully with her.
In the meantime, look for every positive thing you can in her. Is she pretty? Tell her so, even if she doesn't believe it, but don't push it. Is she good at certain things. Praise her, when appropriate, but don't overdo it....
Take her to nice places, let her know you are happy to be with her - even when you wish inside that she would cheer up 'cos she is making you miserable as well....
Above all, stay positive yourself. I YOU get down you won't be any help to her.
Hope this helps.

OMG!! that might be it!

one sec, let me read carefully, I will reply later, but THANKS SO MUCH. are you experienced in this? can you give me some more professional suggestions please? maybe some books? some website? ANYTHING! thank you thank you thank you!!
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