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Old 08-10-2001, 09:27 PM   #29
Haddar - Servant of Talos
The Magister

Join Date: June 7, 2001
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 103
Now this is what makes the mage so groovy. There is a spell for, almost, every encounter and situation. To be able to backstab, a thief must be invisible. Now, is there a spell called...uhm...true..sight...??? =). Anyway, I did go through the thieves guild with a solo mage/cleric (multiclass). Now PnP is not the same as computergames, very true. Since a DM(?) would probably not even allow a mage to get to level 20+, and could always come up with a situation or encounter where the mage would stand no chance. And that would make it difficult, in PnP. In CRPG, of course he will run out of spells in time, if he does not have WISH(!) =) and so can memorize all spells again without sleeping. Damn! I just got the feeling I want to play a highlevel mage solo through BG2!! =)

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