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Old 03-10-2001, 09:45 PM   #43

Posts: n/a
Hola' good to see some serious discussion with respect for other's point of view. BK is absolutely correct. cb, I'm afraid that you will have to wait for that apology until I do something that calls for it. I will not apologize for voicing political thought, opinion, or FACT (I love this stuff!) Remember this definition of character? - Character is what you do when you think no one is looking. And, I have a highly developed b.s. and Hypocrite detector built in. Remember Newt Gingrich's book deal? (to keep the comparisons on an apple to apple basis, book deal is the ONLY thing being compared here, so hold you newt salvoes on other items. This the only way to objectively compare and contrast the issue, nez pas?)
He got a 4million advance to write a book - remember the liberal hue and cry? They hounded him into giving it back, and accepting only a 1 dollar advance - then his book sold millions of copies, and he actually earned more than the 4 mil advance he had been offered.]
Now, Hillary accepts an 8 million dollar deal only two days before Senate ethics rules would have applied to her and kept her from any up-front money, and made her actually earn that income from book sales - I think they call that free enterprise, the basis of our country and economy? The way THE REST OF US have to do it? no, she shamelessly takes the money, and where is the rabid hue and cry from the press? They spent more time explaining how it WAS legal, even if it did look bad, than giving her the same excoriation that Newt got.
Character is what you do when you think no one is looking. Character is the basis upon which you make your judgements, personal and private, but public and policy as well. Only people like the clintons would presume to redefine character to tell us that even though they do all kinds of shady and immoral and outright illegal things personally (shaking finger in our faces, saying I never had sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky- subpeoned billing records from rose law firm mysteriously showing up on an end table two days after the statute of limitations is over), they are able to conduct their public business with the utmost integrity and ethos? The concrete examples one can point to are way to numerous to list here, but if you force me.....
Selling sleep-overs in OUR WHITEHOUSE, fer cryin' out loud, for your own greedy political gain$ ooohhhh, don't get me started, this post will surpass the self-confessed spammer post in only a matter of days (said in a plaintive voice, looking around wonderingly) why do these concrete, can point to it and prove it exists examples impinge not at all on so many? sigh.... Diogene's work is never done, and I for one do not flinch at picking up his torch and carrying it forward against the darkness that threatens us all.

When given a choice, take both.