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Old 11-17-2000, 04:54 AM   #7

Posts: n/a

Trouble? What trouble? It's FUN!

I personally don't want everyone in my party carrying around super weapons. Hell, this game's too easy as it is now. I can't imagine how boring it would be (for me at least) if my characters could smack down every monster they ran into with one or two shots. I found a +2 longsword tonight and was like "WOW!". I like it just fine that way . Maybe when I'm finished with the game I'll go back and try out some of the exploits but for now blessing/enchanting isn't really an option for me as my poor characters can barely scrounge up enough change to afford training at level-up. I'm still picking up round shields to repair and resell. Yeesh.

But hey, as long as we're all having fun.... That's the important thing.