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Old 09-21-2004, 08:48 AM   #10
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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As quoted from my textbook, "Classical Mythology"

The three Fates; Daughters of Zeus and Themis

Zeus is sometimes said to be the father of the Fates (Greek, Moirai; Parcae for the Romans) as a result of his union with Themis. Night and Erebus are also said to be their parents. The Fates are originally birth spirits who often came to be depicted as three old women responsible for the destiny of every individual. Clotho (Spinner) spins out the thread of life, which carries with it the fate of each human being from the moment of birth. Lachesis (Apportioner) measures the thread. Atropos (Inflexible), sometimes characterized as the smallest and most terrible, cuts it off and brings life to an end. On occasion, they can be influenced to alter the fate decreed by their labors, but usually the course of the destiny that they spin is irrovocable.

I actually have the written song that they sing to the souls that they control if you need that.
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