Thread: Charisma
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Old 09-24-2001, 09:52 AM   #14

Join Date: July 22, 2001
Location: Brazil
Posts: 153
Unless I'm playing as a paladin, I set charisma to 10 (the lowest you can go without reaction penalties) and spare precious points for other abilities - if I go with a fighter, for example, after maxing out his strenght, constitution and dexterity, I add those points to Wisdom and Intelligence (helps against some magic). If I have a mage, after maxing out intelligence and dexterity and setting constitution to a score of 16, I give him a charisma of 10 and dump some points in wisdom (helps with lore). The reason why I set Charisma to 10 is that there are NPCs to do the talking for you and to bargain in stores, and if I ever need to be the leader, no penalties will come. I don't doubt what a high Charisma can do, but usually the most charismatic person in my games aren't my PCs.

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