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Old 06-21-2001, 04:41 PM   #186
Silver Dragon

Join Date: March 14, 2001
Location: Agharti. Mountains of Madness
Posts: 1,673
Oompah lumpa doopedy do ive got a puzzle for you, long time since I saw that film. So what are we butchering now or are we still getting to know people, damn this ordered society thing. Orcs arnt so bad by the way they bleed real good when you burst them.

Sigh spell imunity abjuration go away lich, im bored of this I could have been a contender garbage. Anyone have some mescaline. When did we get a pet dragon, I mean does it eat much and im sure it makes a hell of a mess. I suppose the eating thing isnt a problem with all the dead stuff, can I call it puff. Still what are we doing.

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