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Old 11-06-2001, 06:17 PM   #5
JR Jansen
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: May 31, 2001
Location: Mol (Belgium)
Posts: 658
Originally posted by Anthem:
Once he turns into the demi lich's all over he simply imprisons most of my party. Ive died prolly 25 times. any spoilers for this? or good tactics?
Thanks for any input.

A few strategies exist. Try a search with Kangaxx and you'll find a lot of threads on that topic. But i'll give you some pointers anyway. Buy prot. from undead scrolls and cast them, also prot. from magic works. If you use prot. from undead, be sure to have one person (the one who places the bodyparts into the sarcophagues, i know, bad spelling) without it. This should be your mage as they can have a spell immunity : abjuration cast on them which protects them from improsonement.
JR<p>Damned i lost cousin Jan\'s techno gloves<p>Forest runner and first gnomish demiranger-protector with slightly rougueish tendencies and a natural dislike for Aerie
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