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Old 09-15-2001, 12:22 PM   #7
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: March 29, 2001
Location: Montréal, Canada
Age: 49
Posts: 1,763
Originally posted by Avatar:
But is it possible that all perpetrators died??
I don't think you got what I was saying, Rikard.

Yes, it is not only possible that all perpetrators died, it's a necessity for this act. By definition, a perpetrator is a person who commits or performs.

However, I do not think that it's possible that all persons involved perished in the attack. First, enourmous amount of money is needed to pay for pilot training. I did my pilot training in Canada and it cost close to 30000$ Cnd. The reality of it is that US training is far more expensive. Plus, how could someone pay for pilot training while at the same time paying for lodging and travel without a job? No, for the simple aspect of money, their were other people involved.

The problem is that we usually don't know about cells (or involvement) until after the act is commited. Which logicaly let's us to believe that there are statisticaly speaking more terrorist cell present. Not only in the US but also in Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, UK, Netherlands...

Just to make mathers worst (in case of Canada anyway), we have open door immigration policy. This pretty much means that if you want to come in and you have the credentials, you're more than welcome to establish yourself in our country. This is a direct result of wide spread human right attitude. The truth of it is that terrorist have found a loop hole in our screening process and are exploting it.

Of course, as any other organisation, they do not want to be totally secret. This means that they sacrifice certain members to police services. Think of it as drug lord that leak to police an incoming shipment of drugs to the police. While the police makes a huge drug bust, probably 10 shipments just as big get throught. The fact of it is, they know the system and they know how to counter it.

The scary part of it is that anybody as the potential to be a terrorist. Because they do not announce themselves, we don't know that they are. This puts us into a moral delima: first we can go and annihilate all people of Arab decent which would clearly eliminate the threat. This is the real and only solution to our problem as we end up removing the ideology. However, it's also totally against what we consider just and appropriate (BTW: I'm not advocating for this path of action).

The second option is to go after the terrorists. In this type of response, we take out (assasinate, not bring to justice) terrorists as they pop up. Again, the problem resides with the fact that the ideology remains ant terrorists are going to keep poping up. Clearly, this is the path that we are taking. We are not fixing the problem. We are not preventing terrorism from taking place, we are merely removing bad apples. Exept that taking out those bad apples will cause more bad apples to keep poping up.

The fact is that what we are facing is sadly a very long and strenuous war. The reality of it is that it's not Afghanistan or Pakistan or even Saudi Arabia, Irak, Iran, Lybia, etc., that are caught between a rock and a hard place. It's the US and other Occidental countries that will help the US.

You see, we KNOW that there are more terrorists in Occidental countries. Oddly enough, they didn't commit any more acts of terror. Which leads many of us to believe that the worst of it as come and past. This is a false sense of security. When the US, and the world, will retaliate, you will see the worst of it.

People do not understand terrorism. What we will see is death, death all over. Yes, people will die in Afghanistan and in other Middle Eastern countries (supposing that the attack came from there). But the reality of it is that many will die at home. Bomb exploding in theaters, churchs, metros, works etc will become a way of life.

This is not a war that will be fought by armies in distant lands. This is going to be a war that will be fought primarily on Occidental soil, where Occidental blood will flow in the streets and where MANY Occidentals will perish in attrocious acts. The police and other civilians, not the army, will be our soldiers and protectors.

This, unfortunately, is terrorism and it's the war we will fight and win. There are no innocents in this war. We are all soldiers wether we are a policeman, a grocery clerk or on social aid. The fact of it is: We are all targets and the ennemy to those people.

That's the reality that probably only 1-2% of the population understands.
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