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Old 05-28-2001, 11:58 AM   #18
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: April 29, 2001
Location: I\'m in Hell, Iowa
Posts: 32
Under the Fair Use the site would be legal. So who cares what other people think. As long no laws are being broken its just people's opinion, nothing more. Frankly people just need to be less anal about these things, Lucasfilms included.

Most portraits use just a small bits of a greater piece. Its like d/l a 1 minute song sample from a 6 minute song. The user makes no money and the artist doesn't lose any money and the artist gains more exposure. Its more of a win for the artist than anything else. Frankly if someone uses my work on the web, as long as they don't take credit for it, I have no problem with it.
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