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Old 03-11-2001, 04:38 PM   #31
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Sweden
Age: 50
Posts: 3,450
Hi Relic! Thank you for your praise, well I will try to see if I can get a friend to read through it and help me with spelling and grammer. Just one question What does Mamories mean??

Well here is the second chapter, not done yet but a part at least.. Hopefully readable, I was rather tired when I wrote this
2 The prophecy.

The darkness closed in on the three persons gathered by the campfire deep in the woods. Unnerved by the news the Elf had brought them they had agreed happily to his offer to join them, Garann seemed pleased for the first time since they had started the journey. Elusine where trying to get some rest and read her scrollbook to memorize some new spells that could be useful in their travels. Laraes told Garann about the prophecy.
-"You see Garann", Laraes said, "for a long time seers have given all the races some information about what is to come, you have that in your elders that can speak with your ancestors and ask for guidance, Elusines people have people with a gidft to see things in dreams and so have the elves though we "daydream" it ince we do not sleep in the same way as you do. One of our prophets had a visions hundreds of years ago about this day, it has been hard to tell since prophecies are very vague and in no meaning the truth since they are what can be, not was has to be but a warning how it can be. Now events have happened and when three major orc tides was about in shorter then three human generations, a big danger could threatten to overtake these lads and slave the kingdoms and empires to its will. This evil is not knowwn to us, and we have no more clues than that the both of you must get to the Order of The Holy Flame and to meet a young Chavaliere and aid him in his crusade or everything could be lost."
-" Could be?" Garann asked.
-"Yes, as i told you the prophecies are about what could be, not is" Garannan nodded his understanding and Laraes continued. "This prophecy has been repeated three times since the first one and thus is a strong one, which must be heade and not taken lightly. Would you like to hear it?"
"Please, go on" Garann said and drank some water.
Laraes was pleased, indeed this barbarian was a clever one, no doubt about his provess as a fighter but he had a calm and rational mind and was interested in knowing more about his mission. Not thinking that only a sword could solve all of their problems. His silence was also one that confirmed that he trusted him in telling something important, good Laraes thought fo himslef, I hate to repeat things over and over, time is short and the hour is late. The need for rest was important to though so he continued by telling the prophecy.

-"When the dark tides three,
has hit the land of kings and emperors,
a hero and a princess will emerge
to save the justified knight in his quest.
If he will fail, darkness will claim your hearts,
your children will be slaves under evil
and hope will die.

The princess and hero must to the
gathering of holy flames to seek
the knight. The knight will be saved
in orde to save us all."

-"Thats it?" Garann said, "you know how to find us by that"?
-"No not only by that", Laraes said, "we have been searching for clues for a long time and alot of puzzle pieces have finally come to place it seems". "When Elusine was borned we didnīt know of her by that time, her aunt didnīt becoma a Queen until six years ago. It was mentioned in subprophecy that the Amazones queens sisters third child would be the one that could get the "Dragons tear".
-"Dragons tear, what is that?" Garann asked, this was getting complicated, he didnīt like complicated things.
"It is an artfiact left from the last Golden Dragon to mankind to be used if mankind was worthy of their help in the future. All dragons have left these landsexcept from black and white ones" Elusine intervined, "There are no good aligned dragons left to help us unless we deserve their help, therefor we musy find this Dragons tear and I seem to be the only one that can call forth the dragons". Elusine stopped staring blank before her.
-"it is not an easy task to be born with fair lady" Laraes said, a soft smile spread on his face. Garann who felt like a bystander once again, not anything wrong with bystanders they got killed as often as participants so he would probably find alots of fights, enough perhaps to earn his elders respect so he could once more be with his clan. Anger got the best of him in his thinking anger at himself. Well I will see these two safely to Hasparan he said, they at least ment something in all these old prophecies and all.
-"Time to move?" he asked.
"Yes", said Elusine and don her packings, Laraes stood up and put out the fire.

They left the campsite and continued towards west and to Urden Split. They hoped that they would find horses there and also some clothes to better blend in amongst travelers and people. Garann stood out the most cause of his size and watchful grey eyes, black shoulder long hair, black heavy pants, sturdy leather boots, a riveted leather west over his bare chest which was decorated with tatooes and scars. With a sword at his back and many daggers in every place, he was not easily mistaken for a weary and tired traveler.. Garann didnīt liked cloaks, theyīre in the way when you fight, only good if youīre at a good distance with a bow to help blend or if you fight with a onehanded sword and wrapped the cloak around youīre other arm and used it to block attacks with. Well if it gets colder I can always use my wool shirt he thought for himself, and well maybe he could trade on of the rocks he got from the elders for a cloak just to blend in. He probably should get some kind of armour to he thought, cities, bah, thieves and crocks all over the place no doubt. Well one of thosse plated leather armours some of the better caravan guards wore that his clan traded with perhaps, they be agile enough to fight in.

The moos was up but barely visible because a fog was rising from the forrest outlining the others only as ghosts in the dark. Elusine concentrated and let a spell she had stored in her spear help her see better in the dark, imideatly she could see the night so much clearer, not needing to stumble forth in the thick undergrowth. Autumn had the land clearly now, wet leaves lay as a multicolored carpet in the woods, some where still left on the trees thoug making the forrest really dark. She swept her cloak tighter about her and secured her spear on her back once more taking her bow to the ready. She prefered her composite bow over her spear. Better to fight enemies at a distance and let Garann deal with the close up fights, that wolfboy needed space in his fighting anyway she thought with a small smile splitting her lips. With Laraes darting back and forth around them there was no real need to be weary of the forrest but she didnīt like to trust others to much, it had been the downfall of too many of her sisters. The agile and ever smiling elf checked in on them and showed them owls and warned them for treachuresgrounds in front of them now and then. Garann didnīt needed the warnings though, he trodded on never losing speed and only stopped to see that she was there now and then, extanding his hand to help her to jump across a stream or something. Tsk, she neede no help, she was an Amazone, well none the less his caring was a "sweet" sign though. Her red leather armour enchanted to not give any sounds was getting damp and her legs was cold, she neede to buy trousers in the homlet if there was any choice to do so she thought.

The forrest was so alive, owls where on there prowl for food, the small animals hunting in the tress for the last berries and achorns to store for the comming winter, small mice were squrring along in the thick bead of leaves and foxes hunted in the dense grass, badgers digging for roots. Laraes was pleased so far. Teh night was beatiful and full of life, foxes warned him for unseen dangers and owls hooted their warnings and help from above, he knew the forrest all around him, it was hust to listen and see what all his friends told him. As a ranger he had long time ago learned how to speak with the animals in the forrest and had also learned who he could trust who which were about for mischieves. With Garann in the lead he had to keep a good pace though, barabarians and their stamina he thought, it was good to have him along, his friends back at the eleven forrest had told much about him, eager to learn a most humans, but a good listener and he never repeated mistakes. He was a true sworddancer and a good with most weapons, well not that good with a bow though, but he could hit a running rabbit with that sling of his a a full 50 step distance. And well up close, not even the best of elven sworddancers would like to fight him, his strength, quickness, and endurance made him a powerful and dangerous opponent.
Well I hope you like it so far!..


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