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Old 06-20-2001, 10:00 AM   #140

Join Date: May 17, 2001
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Posts: 4,222
Here's my tale. One day I decided to go to the beach, since it was so near to my house (every house is near to some beach in Gibraltar) I decided to walk there. The road down to the beach was not to far away from the actual rock of Gibraltar itself. Half-way through the walk I just look at the surroundings, the usual block of houses, trees etc. Then I turn my attention to the rock. Then it happened, an actual chunk of it breaks off, making several other pieces fall down too. The rock is huge so the falling of these peices made little differance to the appearence but there was still a small step into the rock there. The pile at the foot of the rock is huge and is only 65 meters away from the new houses being built on this road. Thankfully it was well over a hundred from me, no one was hurt. Then I began to swear about the fact that I had left my videocamera at home and with that I went to the beach.

Sigmar has only one foe,
and he is Tiax!
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