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Old 10-31-2001, 10:43 AM   #5
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: October 31, 2001
Location: P-ton
Posts: 34
Why is it that if I dual to a cleric, I lose my ability to use a crossbow? Or, do I just lose the crossbow ability until the cleric level gets 1 level above the fighter level?

Is that the same for mages? Will I lose the ability to use longbows if I switch from fighters to mages?

So - a fighter does get another weapon proficiency at level nine. Cool, that means I'm going to wait unitl level 9 b4 dual classing my guys.

Do you know if the THACO goes down at level 9 (compared to 8)?

PS - Thanks for all the info. I appreciate it.
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