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Old 01-30-2003, 02:09 AM   #107
Very Mad Bird

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Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
Originally posted by Yorick:

Actually the reverse is said to be true Larry. Holding a stillborn child is documented as being important in creating closure and assisting healing.

See, avoiding, erasing, or repressing an issue is not solving it. We have to face, hold, overcome and resolve our issues. Pretending they never existed does NOT work.
I did not phrase my meaning well enough for you to get what I was saying. I did not refer to stillborn meaning in that post was that it would be easier than holding your baby as it died...not when it was already dead before birth. If it was absolutely positive that the child would not have a chance, due to some terrible deformity...but the deformity would not take effect until the cord was cut...then it would be harder for me to let the child die in my hands. I would beg the doctor not to cut it just I stood there holding him/her. See my meaning? I do not care what documentations say...I know that I would rather have the baby put down early than to suffer in my hands because it's little lungs could not breathe for themselves after the cord was cut. That seems more cruel than whatever happens in the womb to put him/her down before seeing the light of day.[/QB][/QUOTE]Larry, I've been doing a bit of reading on the subject since you brought this up. I stumbled upon this page: It seems that a number of parents decide to go through with giving birth to babies with anencephaly. The babies generally last only a few days at most. Man. What a tough thing.... Anyhow, it does seem to have helped the healing process for these people.

Tough stuff all this.
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