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Old 03-31-2001, 02:47 PM   #33

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Well first of all i wonder why the english always leave the US away
Paul instaed of Paulus
Mercury instead of Mercurius
Saturn instead of Satrunus
must be some old thing

When Copernmicus published De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (about the movement of heavenly body's) he was accused for taking on the church
And it is actually the present pope Johannus Paulus II who admitted in 1992 that Copernicus idea of the Heliocentric universe was the correct on
That is Half a millenia after Copernicus died.
That was after Voyerer was send to the planets and the Lunalandings


All Hail the Seventh house Sorcerer
Master Magician of Necromancy
Prince Rikard T'Aranaxz of Natri'x
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF
Ramanish of Neathan'Calith
High Priest and son of the Eternal Phoenix
Shadowlord of the Silver Shield
Baron of Yusliks
Duke of Gerdran
Duke of Tralixz
Lord and General of the Army of the West

Laughing Hyena!!!