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Old 06-10-2003, 01:34 PM   #30

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
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Originally posted by Kaltia:
We wear school uniforms. Unfortunatly now you have to have *every* detail right, the shorter skirt, the right "in" lipgloss and clear nail varnish, the right amount of make-up (The "barely there" look) and the right perfume and accent. If you can't bring your Versache bag, then you can obssess about lips I guess
Yeah, I figured that would happen. I found the idea of school uniforms good in principle - dressing all school kids the same so that no one is ostracised because their parents cannot afford the right brands is great, but the problem is as you described - people will find something else the worry about fashionwise like make up or accessories.

Aelia, I can understand why the idea sounds foreign to you... in the Netherlands, I think there's a lot less fuss about these things than a decade ago, so I don't really recognise the "groups" that are discussed either. [img]smile.gif[/img] When I entered highschool though, clothing was very important. It wasn't something relatively innocent as wearing slightly fashionable clothes but still with your own identity - no, if you weren't wearing a Levi's 501, Nikes and a certain type of sweater you were screwed, no kidding. When I was 15 or something I dyed a strand of my hair pink, and again I kid you not, the whole school went berserk and gawked at me for weeks. Two years later, fake strands of coloured hair were worn by everybody and his mother. It was unreal!
Right now, people seem much freer in what they wear - of course there may be "groups" among school kids but my younger sister for instance NEVER experienced as strict a fashion code as I did. So looking back now, when I never even give thought to what I wear (or at least don't expect to be laughed at when I go outside ), it seems truly unreal that when I was 12, I spent every school day being told by my "best friend" that I looked like sh*t for not wearing brand clothing. [img]graemlins/idontagreeatall.gif[/img]

[ 06-10-2003, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: Melusine ]
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