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Old 09-16-2003, 03:53 PM   #7

Join Date: October 25, 2002
Location: Gilbert, Az
Age: 71
Posts: 234
After Arnika lately, I slip up to UBC, become a recruit, do the first few levels, grab a flag and only then (after a stop in Arnika again) head to Trynton. There are some great Spells at UBC. I generally stop along the way, one way or the other, back at the Monestary briefly.

What matters is your Music level, not your Intelligence. However your Intelligence is the secondary controlling attribute for Music, so makes it rise a little faster. If you don't have high Dexterity or Intelligence, your Music will rise slowly, but your Bard uses Music so much that helps counteract even that. I usually leave Intelligence at the beginning level and put zero points into it at Level-up. Dexterity, however, is something I max in my Bards. There is also an item which increases your Music Skill. Even putting no points into it at Level-up, my Bard's Music Skill gets high very quickly.

The Northern Wilderness, along the way, has at least one instrument, too, and some other cool items, but I don't usually spend too much time there at that point in the game. I have also gone through the game in the order Sultan discusses, too, and usually end up joining the T'Rang instead of Umpani first, in that case.
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