Thread: Drivers
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Old 05-10-2001, 09:56 AM   #6
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: March 15, 2001
Location: Missouri, USA
Posts: 632
Oh Lord! Don't get me started on this topic...

St. Louis, Mo. has got to be the most ignorant place in the entire world to drive. People regularly do think like:

  • Get off of the highway (during friggin' rush hour) on an *off* ramp and decide they took the wrong off ramp. So what do they do...back down it back onto the highway.
  • Tailgate, literally, 6 - 12" off of your rear bumper. Multi-car pileups occur here constantly because of this.
  • Cut people off if there is barely enough room to get into the lane in front of them, between them and the car they are following.
  • People tailgate here so that people cannot change lanes in front of them. This, of course, leads to people changing lanes without signalling and at mega speed so that they can get over...otherwise, if they signal, the car they want to lane change in front of (in the destination lane) will speed up and close the gap so they cannot get over. *Very* annoying. As a matter of fact...a couple of months ago this happened to a guy in a pickup truck. Some woman wouldn't let him over and he got so pissed off, he ran her off the road...she was killed in the accident. He's in prison for a long time now...
  • My personal favorite...drivers here pull out into the left-most (aka "the passing lane") and drive like 15 - 20 mph under the speed limit while failing to move over and let faster moving traffic through. I was in a 6 mile back up on the highway because of some a$$hole who was doing this. One old man going 45 mph in a 60mph zone caused many people to be late for work...[/list]
    Ok. Rant over. Thanks for listening...


    Now where did I leave that doughnut?!

    [This message has been edited by Throntar (edited 05-10-2001).]
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