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Old 01-27-2002, 01:47 AM   #1
Jack Burton

Join Date: November 10, 2001
Location: Bathurst & Orange, in constant flux
Age: 37
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I have explained this on another forum aswell, so I am quite rehearsed in these lines. The ignorance of the following facts realy makes me want to kill people. Ofcourse, I then realise I cant because 1. Its illegal, and 2. Most of them live in a different country, and those who do live in the same country dont seem to live anywhere near me... Be warned that the following may contain spoilers.

Cheese- Is it, or isnt it ??

Cheese in Baldurs Gate 2, is not using traps to kill Firkraag or the admantite Golum, it is not using potions to buff up your fighters. And it is definately not using protection from undead / magic against Kangaxx.

These are all abilities supplied within the game, and thus cannot be cheesy as they were put in there to be used. Cheese is taking advantage of bugs and glitches in the game, a good example of this is the fake talk strategy.

Also, cheese is definately not using the CLUA Console, Shadow Keeper or IEEP to buff up your characters and give them more HP or weapons that arent available for you at the point of the game where you are, such as using the Cromme Fayer in irenicus' dungeon. These things fall under a whole different category, which is known most commonly as cheating. Also, on that note, these things were designed for something, if not cheating- if you have played through the game and beat it legitamately a few times, it makes sense that you should be able to play it as you like. Also, they can be used to get past annoying little bugs which deprive you of what you have earned. An example of this is where sometimes the acorns in Irenicus' dungeon dont show up when you kill the durager (sp?)carrying them.

Now going back to cheese. The things mentioned above to not be cheese, are quite simply not cheese. Since they are abilities given within the game, they are quite legitimate. These do not have to be used in your game, but they can be. Whether or not you use things like this should not be because of your like or dislike of cheese, but rather your playing style. If you want to use them, you can and others here have no reason to ridicule you because you have used cheesy tactics. You should be able to play as you want to, so long as it sticks to the rules of the game.
So dont be afraid to post your tactics to kill Kangaxx or Firkraag if they use traps, or protection from the appropriate thing- you shouldnt have to be.
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