Thread: Guns.
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Old 05-23-2002, 09:32 AM   #139

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Donut:
Slightly defensive reply there Magik. I seem to have hit a nerve.

You should not assume my comments were based purely on the child rearing thread. There have been a succession of diatribes from you in which you speak of your disrespect for the opinion young people. I was merely taking your mistaken viewpoint to it's logical nonsensical extreme.

The debate about firearms and deaths caused by them cannot be disentangled from the debate about murder of any form. The two go together.

As for your thinly disguised insult about me being a child I shall treat it with the same disrespect that I treat all of your trollish tripe.

PS. Please don't waste your time PM'ing me an apology this time.
No you didnt hit a nerve, you pissed me off, a completely different thing all together I assure you. Rather than debate an issue in a straight up manner you seem to seek to confuse and obfuscate, you pissed me off. It take a lot to get me angry, especially in a silly forum thread, however YOU seem to delight in debasing half of the serious discussions I have started. Then have the gall to turn around and accuse me of comitting the offense that you your self seem to delight in useing. In person It wouldn't have been a thinly veiled anything.

As for apologizing, I apologize when I have done something I discover was wrong, this time Im in the right, that is exactly why I believe you a child. You NEVER admit you are wrong, or have done wrong. I do admit that I do a disservice to children when I act like I always assume that it is only the children that are like this, but in actuality it is only because I expect better from so called adults.

Edit: Please Donut, in the future, feel free to ignore my trollish tripe. Id rather not have you derailing the discussions of people who want to address the issue that is being discussed.

[ 05-23-2002, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: MagiK ]