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Old 10-30-2004, 02:53 PM   #8
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: August 22, 2004
Location: Sydney, Australia.
Age: 39
Posts: 737
Variol, I'm not too sure if there is a difference between ADD in adults and children. It is the same condition, I'm just guessing that with the different lifestyles that adults and kids lead it would affect them in different ways.

It just affects concentration. Adults can still take the drugs such as Ritalin and Dex to control it (I'm assuming the drugs would remain the same) but I know for a fact that you do have to go through a specialist psychologist in order to get the prescriptions for the drugs, and this is not the case for children. At least, thats the way it worked in Australia some 4 years ago. Your GP should be able to direct you to the relevant help.

But yes, to add to your comment, I really don't think that there is much of a difference between adult and child ADD/ADHD, it really just affects concentration. It is just more common within children, as most, (like myself) grow out of it. Of course, there are bouts where I fall back into my old random ways.... ie

Dave having conversation with Principle.......
Principle saying something important to Dave....
Dave all of a sudden runs off and squeals "LOOK AT THE SQUIRREL, OMG LOOK AT THE SQUIRREL!"

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