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Old 04-03-2001, 06:58 PM   #7

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: Bournemouth,Hampshire,England
Posts: 443
Don't worry, I'm currently writing an unfinished sci fi story (writers block for the last seven or eight years ), in wich the backwards estimating Imperial measuring farmer types finally overthrow the oppressive precise metric evil scum, by doing unpredictable things then (in a subtle twist at the end) are seen millenia later, worshipping the technology that they overthrew, perfoming the ritual of the sledgehammer and the door control pannel in a form of ancester worship (they where originally outcast from the tech society for refusing to conform to the "new way" of life). It's in the works as I'm also writing a good fantasy yarn about a Knight trying to stop a war in a Arctic, Dark Ages setting (a possable sci fi joke is an evil sorceror who might insist on using his "new metric" measurements but shall be destroyed by his own magic, but his metric madness is optional).

However, the above sounds so appetising that I want to ask one very big question: where can I get Wizardry 6 and 7 ?

Balgin, the Dwarf

[This message has been edited by Balgin (edited 04-03-2001).]
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