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Old 02-23-2001, 12:16 AM   #2
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Hellfire you are bold as brass, little gobblinbreath! And YORICK?! Hmmm, well, don't be too happy there, droolyspawn, bards are notoriously fickle... that rogue nature, you know... that neutral alignment thing ...gets you every time. Methinks he helps you now since your 'army' is such pitiful sight. Or perhaps there is a profit in it somewhere? Hmmmm...well no matter. I am not aligned with either of you and it shall stay that way. However, since you are the minion of my ARCHnemesis, Jerome the Pincushion, I may ...toss a spell or two your way for a bit of practice. I have had this icestorm thing kicking around, may have to try it out. hehehe And leave my mage alone, fiend. I need him to keep the archnemesis imprisoned for the next six blissfully capslock-free months.

Storm-Queen, not amused by the sig, wormspawn, not amused at all.....grrrrrr
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