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Old 11-02-2001, 03:56 AM   #21
JR Jansen
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: May 31, 2001
Location: Mol (Belgium)
Posts: 658
Originally posted by OmegaKiller:
Why should I fear rangers and palidens when even the gods fear me? Your powers are puny compared to mine!!!! As for my allies, let me say they are many and you are few. Death shall overtake any that cannot or willnot convert to the true religion. With the death of Helm and all of the gods of good and virture at hand, where will you receive your "powers" to defeat me? Just as a theif comes in the night, so shall I!


I am the final death

[This message has been edited by OmegaKiller (edited 11-01-2001).]
As i said before, you are welcome to try. But remember this everybody that has boasted about something similar has taken the fall sofar or is hiding under some rock.


Damned i lost cousin Jan's techno gloves

Forest runner and first gnomish demiranger-protector with slightly rougueish tendencies and a natural dislike for Aerie
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