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Old 10-22-2001, 02:00 AM   #1
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
Posts: 2,674
many people said "I need a break from here."

what they actually saying is:" I am sick of this place" "this place is different from what I knew of"

well, LET THEM! I got that feeling too, and I wasn't about to tell you guys until Cloudy decided to run off (I hope she changes her mind by now **R, R**) but she'd come back, have no doubt of that. it is like a trend thing, goes up and down from time to time. some times you just cannot stand certain things, but you will get used to it eventually. it takes time

if people want to leave, just respect their opinions and don't you lose any sleep over it. there is nothing to be worried (or feel sad) about

good luck, cloudy, and ocme back soon

in the meanwhile, people should stop bitching so strong minded about their own opinion. is it so hard to just agree? and don't say things like: "point taken, but in fact..." if point taken, then shut the **cough** up. some arguement are completely unneccissary, we all should celebrate our diversive views, not fight over them.
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