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Old 08-27-2006, 06:10 PM   #4

Join Date: May 14, 2005
Location: Edmonton
Age: 74
Posts: 578
Let's face it, companies are in business to make money not make masterpieces.

The BG series was a fantastic and well polished game the likes of which have yet to be seen since in a CRPG but where is Interplay today?

The more time (read: $) that is spent on developing a game means less profit to be made on that same game, so sometimes it's more profitable to release a game that less people will buy, but at a higher profit margin.

To generate the same profit on a game with a longer development cycle would require an increase in the price to the consumer, and people aren't will to accept that. Sure there may be a handful who'll jump up and say "I will," but a minority never wins.

A company that doesn't make a profit, and continue to increase profits will likely not be around for long. Shareholders don't give a skinny rat's ass about the quality of Company XYZ's latest game they are interested in profit, profit and profit.

Gamers decide by voting with their wallets? A true statement. Unfortunely the majority of gamers don't vote in the manner that the minorty agree with.
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