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Old 10-26-2000, 09:27 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

Didn't you get that niggling voice in the back of your head when some random noble would tell you to stand further away from them? Or when some Drow wench got bitchy with you? Or doing Fed-Ex quests... please, i got better things to do, like turn into the Slayer and EAT YOUR PUNK ASS! And everyone who DID know you were the son of Bhaal was tough enough not to care (well, eventually all succumb to my might, but...). Now, this is coming from a self-righteous Paladin, who would have ended with a reputation of 24, had such been allowed (imagine... stores would be throwing gifts at me! THROWING THEM! Well, not daggers, et al, you know what I mean), so it must have been torture for those chaotic evil amongst you. Plus, don't you think that a LOT more evil characters are needed? I've never played evil, being good pays off (yeah, yeah, alterior motives), but I think when NWN comes out I'm going to create an evil town where good people are hunted down my undead Paladins and Flaming Fist. At least enough evil NPCs to create an entire party. Then the streets would flow with the blood of groundhogs, beggars and nobility!!