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Old 05-29-2001, 07:28 PM   #333
Lord Shield

Posts: n/a
On the house for being such good sports. Tancred, the healing sauna is round the back if you want to get cleaned up. There's plenty of time
Neb, even if we let you, nobody can die in this bar (suicide is another matter). Any magical compulsions, grappling, etc, will be bounced on by myself, AzureWolf and Melusine. I should imagine Tancred wouldn't be too chuffed either
I shall arrange 4 of the tables together for the Radiant's party (room for Tancred too). I shall mostly be busy with them, but the serving girls (Sil, Gamora and Jaheira) will still be able to assist you
Now Cheesy has finished sweeping the area I should see about putting him out of the way for now. Tiddles is having a nap after that little runabout. The cook finally booted Caleb out. He's got his work cut out for tonight

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp