Thread: Hi Cloudy!
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Old 03-05-2001, 01:34 AM   #35
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Originally posted by LadyRae:
Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday morning (it kinda sucks that life keeps invading on the fun I'm having here! How am I ever gonna get me some blue stars at this rate???). I completely understand the grief your friend must be feeling. I've never had that happen to one of my cats...I can't have cats anymore, I've been too allergic to them since my twenties but I always had them before . We had a little dog who had a stroke, though. We kept her for a day after it happened because our vet assured us she could be rehabilitated, but after that we decided (rightly so) that keeping her like that was too cruel...My ex couldn't bear to take her in (he loved her even more than I did!) so I took her in to have her put to sleep...The thing is, I think she knew what was coming and, though I'm not really the 'beleive in heaven' kind of person, I'm sure to this day that she's in a better place. Also, she will always live on in my heart! I guess people who don't have pets might not understand that they are indeed family members and the grief for their loss is as real and intense as it is for the loss of any other family member. But, like other grief, it becomes more bearable and healing from it is remembering that 'person' and all they were to you and appreciating the time (short with pets) you did have them with you....Now I'm all misty-eyed too! Anyhow, I'm glad I could make you smile at such a time...I had a lot of fun writing that post too!

(For anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about, check here:
Man or Lady? )

Yes, I'm quoting the whole thing (anti Quote people chill ok?! ) I'm just getting to this whole topic and it has 2 pages already! It's late so I'll come back and do it justice tomorrow but had to acknowledge your effort, LadyRae! Thankyou. It does a heart good to see something so sweet and thoughtful and aimed at making one feel better! (BIG HUG ) My email has skyrocketed. The cat list folk are doing what they do so well and haaving a 'vigil' by email for my friend's loss. But I just can't read 1800+ emails at the moment...yes, they are prolific! I cut my teeth on spamming in that list! I'm a FLEDGLING compared to some of them! SCARY, no?! (I should come clean and say it's 3 days of mail, though!)

Anyway, I'll return to read all the rest, but I've got to get some sleep. It's after 130 am! Thanks again, for the thread and your note, LadyRae!


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