Thread: Chess
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Old 05-30-2004, 02:12 PM   #57
Black Baron
Red Wizard of Thay

Join Date: September 7, 2003
Location: Israel
Age: 39
Posts: 877

Unless the position cries for it (theory or material winning) do not move the same piece twice in the opening. c3-a4 is a mistake.

Instead of d6 black had to play bb4. pawn pursuit achieves nothing except to damage white pawn structure. bishop retreats to b6 and the white must exchange it with the knight a4.white Pawn structure is a debris by then, and the black takes the center with ease afterwards.
d6-big mistake.

Since that it was played d6, Na4 achieves its goal- double pawns and the loss of the "2 bishops advantage" that the black had.

About the tie of the knight on f3. H3 had to be played out, but, most certainly not be3. Why to loose the "2 bishops advantage"?

h3 sometimes is a prelude to a most ambitious plan-Nh2 and f2-f4 afterwards. The absence of black bishop allows to play f2-f4 with no loss of temp. Black must waste another temp in order to play f7-f5 (if the white plays f2-f4-f5 black is dead meat), due to bishop on c4. Seemingly innocent in the beginning, h3 (or h6 for the black), more often than not in mittelspiel is a bane and the doom of the unaware.

Black attack on the white king, after the death of Nf3,was done with too many mistakes to count them. I will point out several.
G7-G6-a huge mistake. The rook had to be placed on this spot in the future.

The rampage of the white queen had to be prevented with all costs. The black had to play Ra8-d,e,f8 from the start.

Instead of queen e7, queen d6.

Numerous Tactical mistakes from both sides cannot be mentioned here.

How much time did you have?

In conclusion: Study openings, and start solving tactical problems. That game should have ended on move 30+.
I hope that no one is insulted. If someone is, i apologize.
Case from my reservist service:

Kids attention, I have brought you something...

Don't pull that ring private!!
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