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Old 07-15-2002, 08:55 PM   #2

Posts: n/a
I'll add to this one by repeating myself from the other thread...if anyone doesn't have a local law banning throwing lit cigarette butts out of the windows of vehicles, they should contact their congressman and make an attempt (or two or three or however many it takes) to get them to act on making the law.
Its really dangerous and can hurt, maim, or even kill innocent people, not to mention the losses involved in fires caused by them, be they on the roadside, in medians, or in another person's vehicle.

Just in case anyone is curious, I am a smoker, I do smoke in my car and I keep the ashtray emptied enough to use it properly...there's no excuse for such negligence and irresponsibility.

[ 07-15-2002, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Moni ]