Thread: The Boogre Bar!
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Old 07-23-2001, 08:47 PM   #36
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: May 25, 2001
Location: Monticello, IL, USA
Age: 37
Posts: 630
The Boogre Brew here is A little Warm Jafin Warm it up and Do I have a short tale to tell I was in there the Dragon Spire for a littl e while and Did it have fun the Swamp mucks actacked I almost killed me and Then a lava pup it was fun as I walked further and Further I came Across Spiders Slaying Each One and Then Another Shamlbing Shlag and and another Lava Pup they are behind the Trantrla queen They Killed me. But next Second I know I back in they Same Spot As I was When They Shabling Shlags Attacked But No Shlag

[This message has been edited by Loumistro (edited 07-25-2001).]
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